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2023 Next Gen w/ AI Ratings & Settings for Tracks

Collection by Brian Perski

41 Paints
263 favorites
AI-Ready CollectionAI-Ready

AI Ratings included (adjust accordingly). Settings for each track are top spilt competitive. All dates/times for the settings for each track are per the 2023 NASCAR schedule. Daytona 2/19 2:30PM 35 Laps Skill-120-125% Auto Club 2/26 3:30PM 40 Laps Skill-63-68% Las Vegas 3/5 3:30PM 55 Laps Skill-68-73% Phoenix 3/12 3:30PM 65 Laps Skill-82-87% Atlanta 3/19 3:00PM 55 Laps Skill-114-119% COTA 3/26 3:30PM 15 Laps Skill-85-90% Richmond 4/2 3:30PM 75 Laps Skill-78-83% Bristol (asphalt) 4/9 7:00PM 100 Laps Skill-50-55% Martinsville 4/16 3:00PM 90 Laps Skill-95-100% Talladega 4/23 3:00PM 35 Laps Skill-120-125% Dover 4/30 2:00PM 60 Laps Skill-93-98% Kansas 5/7 3:00PM 55 Laps Skill-120-125% Darlington 5/14 3:00PM 55 Laps Skill-108-113% Charlotte 5/28 6:30PM 55 Laps Skill-71-76% Gateway 6/4 3:30PM 55 Laps Skill-120-125% Sonoma 6/11 12:30PM 25 Laps Skill-91-96% Nashville 6/25 6:30PM 55 Laps Skill-51-56% New Hampshire 7/16 2:30PM 55 Laps Skill-88-93% Pocono 7/23 2:30PM 30 Laps Skill-105-110% Michigan 8/6 2:30PM 40 Laps Skill-103-108% Texas 9/24 3:30PM 55 Laps Skill-94-99% Homestead 10/22 2:30PM 55 Laps Skill-95-100%

Updated 17 months ago

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