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Preview of Rusty Wallace 1996 Miller Replica by Jay Adair

Rusty Wallace 1996 Miller Replica

Dirt Sprint Cars by Jay AdairJay Adair

About this paint

Rusty Wallace 1996 Miller Replica
Posted 77 months ago
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Jay Adair

Jay Adair

I started painting in 1996 with Nascar Racing 1 on the pc using Paint Shop Pro 3. Ive painted everything from NR2k3, Rfactor, Dirt addons *For Rfactor and Nascar Heat*, Dirt Track Racing/Dirt Track Racing Sprint cars. 20 years of painting experience. Little over Ten years ago a good friend *Bryan Bebo Franklin* and myself started up Nsane Wraps. Even tho Bebo has moved on to other things ive kept the Nsane Wraps name alive and Well


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