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Preview of 2019 23Red Racing Milwaukee #RetroRound by Joseph B. Griffin
Preview of 2019 23Red Racing Milwaukee #RetroRound by Joseph B. Griffin
Preview of 2019 23Red Racing Milwaukee #RetroRound by Joseph B. Griffin

2019 23Red Racing Milwaukee #RetroRound

[Legacy] V8 Supercar Ford FG Falcon - 2014 by Joseph B. GriffinJoseph B. Griffin

About this paint

Announced today, I present to you the 23RedRacing Milwaukee Retro Round Livery. This was originally my 23Red Racing Livery but now updated for the #RetroRound. Thanks for checking it out! Addtionally, I feel like a real asshat for not changing my rim color prior to taking the pictures. My apologies. :S
Posted 64 months ago
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