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Preview of in honor of grandpa by Andrew J Halloran

in honor of grandpa

[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet SS - 2013 by Andrew J HalloranAndrew J Halloran Pro

About this paint

This paint is in honor of my grandpa. My Grandpa was a great guy, he would often take me to the mall and watch sponge bob with me when I was a kid. He was my father and grand father figure, the car I chose is the Gen 6 Chevy SS. Which looks like his 2015 Chevrolet Malibu LS. Which was the last car he ever bought before he died, the house is where I grew up, Sponge bob represents the fact that he watched that with me, The carousel represents that he used to take me to the mall.
Posted 54 months ago
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Andrew J Halloran

Andrew J Halloran Pro

I am a kid from Atlanta, Georgia who has had a childhood dream since I was 3 years old. That dream is to be a NASCAR driver. I haven't had the chance to show myself but that chance is coming

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