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Preview of Gary Schwab 1990 by George Tolsma

Gary Schwab 1990

NASCAR Legends Ford Thunderbird - 1987 by George TolsmaGeorge Tolsma

About this paint

Gary Schwab was a Western New York native who raced at Holland Speedway in Holland, NY. With his precision in a racecar, he manged to get quite hefty sponsorship with Perrys Ice Cream. Schwab also owned a dairy farm where many of his cows were named after his competitors and as the story goes, he drove Car #86 because Cow 86 was one of the best producing cows he had. In 1990, Schwab drove this Previtys / Perrys Ice Cream #89 apart of the Busch North Series at Holland Speedway.
Posted 57 months ago
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George Tolsma

George Tolsma

Just a kid from New York, making paint schemes, and racing all the short track racing I can. Specialization in doing dirt car schemes.

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