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Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14
Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14
Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14
Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14
Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14
Preview of Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute  by Aaron Johnson14

Larry Phillips Fairgrounds Speedway Tribute

#75 Street Stock - Panther C1 by Aaron Johnson14 Pro

About this Custom Number paint

Larry Phillips is a 5-time NASCAR Weekly Racing Series Champion. His all-time winning percentage in NASCAR WRS events is 76%, an astonishing number. He began racing in 1962 and retired in 2002, shortly before he died of cancer. The number of Late Model Feature Wins that Larry earned is impossible to calculate, but conservative estimates are between 1500 and 2000 victories over his 40 year career. He won so many races at the Fairgrounds Speedway, that the promoter brought in Donnie Allison to try to beat Larry back in 1972 or so. Allison left with his tail between his legs, and said, "The Devil himself could not beat that man at this track." This is a tribute to the car Larry ran in 1978 or so. He was one of the hardest, fastest, meanest sons of bitches to ever sit in a race car. I was lucky to see him race, and later to call him a colleague. Godspeed 75. Colors: Blue (1687E3), Gold (D2B784), White (FFFFFF) and Black (000000)
Posted 54 months ago
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