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Preview of GoodSmile Racing Dallara P217 (Standard Version) by Joseph Skidmore2
Preview of GoodSmile Racing Dallara P217 (Standard Version) by Joseph Skidmore2
Preview of GoodSmile Racing Dallara P217 (Standard Version) by Joseph Skidmore2
Preview of GoodSmile Racing Dallara P217 (Standard Version) by Joseph Skidmore2

GoodSmile Racing Dallara P217 (Standard Version)

Dallara P217 by Joseph Skidmore2Joseph Skidmore2
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About this paint

Dallara P217 GoodSmile livery loosely based off the GSR 2019 car. I don't see 2019s design around too often, but it's personally one of my favourites. The right hand side Miku art as far as I searched (and boy did I search a lot) doesn't appear to exist on the internet, so I had to mash together the LHS and a crusty low res image of the RHS art, but I think it turned out alright! IMSA Version here:
Posted 46 months ago
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