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Preview of PFAFF Racing - Castrol - Porsche GT3 Cup by Chuck Chambliss
Preview of PFAFF Racing - Castrol - Porsche GT3 Cup by Chuck Chambliss
Preview of PFAFF Racing - Castrol - Porsche GT3 Cup by Chuck Chambliss

PFAFF Racing - Castrol - Porsche GT3 Cup

Ruf RT 12R C-Spec by Chuck ChamblissChuck Chambliss

About this paint

PFAFF Racing - Castrol - Porsche GT3 Cup I liked the look of this car, so I decided to try and duplicate it. Enjoy. Use solid white font with black outlines. Also, the car looks good with chrome, black, red or green colored rims. **Uses Nethercote add-ons.**

Posted 97 months ago
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