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Preview of M22 / Save-A-Vet / Save 22 Paint Scheme - Remake by Brian Peter
Preview of M22 / Save-A-Vet / Save 22 Paint Scheme - Remake by Brian Peter
Preview of M22 / Save-A-Vet / Save 22 Paint Scheme - Remake by Brian Peter
Preview of M22 / Save-A-Vet / Save 22 Paint Scheme - Remake by Brian Peter

M22 / Save-A-Vet / Save 22 Paint Scheme - Remake

Street Stock - Panther C1 by Brian Peter

About this paint

Hello, Thank you for checking out this paint scheme. I made one very similar to this one for the Street Stock. This paint scheme features #Mission22 to help spread awareness of the high number of veteran suicides we have daily in the United States. Mission 22, also known as ElderHeart, has created multiple programs to help support in the care for veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI. Mission 22 does much more than just that. I strongly encourage everyone to take a look at their website! ** I did get permission from Mission 22 to use their logos on my iRacing vehicles to help spread awareness!
Posted 21 months ago
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