The custom car painting platform for iRacing.

Trading Paints adds custom car liveries to iRacing. Design your own cars or race with pre-made paint schemes shared from the community of painters.

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Preview of Always Smooth, like Keith Stone... by Patrick Shafer
Preview of Always Smooth, like Keith Stone... by Patrick Shafer
Preview of Always Smooth, like Keith Stone... by Patrick Shafer

Always Smooth, like Keith Stone...

#83 NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado by Patrick ShaferPatrick Shafer Pro

About this Custom Number paint

Brought this scheme back from the NR2003 archives. Based off Stedman Marlins BGN car from 2002, and of course you cant leave Keith Stone out! Enjoy! Thanks BER for the numbers
Posted 19 months ago
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Patrick Shafer

Patrick Shafer Pro

My place to display my personal paints for easy access. I do paints for others as well upon request. Feel free to hit me up if you are looking for a paint!


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