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Preview of Rusty Wallace 1990 Miller Genuine Draft Scheme by Michael Busch
Preview of Rusty Wallace 1990 Miller Genuine Draft Scheme by Michael Busch

Rusty Wallace 1990 Miller Genuine Draft Scheme

NASCAR Legends Pontiac Grand Prix - 1987 by Michael Busch

About this paint

Rusty's 1990 scheme on the '86/'87 body. Headlight buckets were a pain, as well as finding clear shots of the contingencies, but I'm really happy with how this came out. I think it looks better on this car than the 1990 Grand Prix. Maybe, one day, I'll figure out spec maps and actually make the gold paint sparkle a bit. Update: Fixed a texture not lining up, painted the helmet. Update 2: Added an in-game screenshot of my first win in this car and paint scheme. Update 3: Fixed a goofed up hood texture, filled in the courtesy lights on front and rear bumper with gold/red/white stripe texture.
Posted 17 months ago
Updated 2 times, last updated 15 months ago
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