The custom car painting platform for iRacing.

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Preview of SWT - David Gilliland by Leila Wilson
Preview of SWT - David Gilliland by Leila Wilson
Preview of SWT - David Gilliland by Leila Wilson
Preview of SWT - David Gilliland by Leila Wilson

SWT - David Gilliland

#11 Super Late Model by Leila WilsonLeila Wilson Pro

About this Custom Number paint

A bunch of different drivers drove this car over the years, but Dave drove it at one point in the early 2000s.
Posted 12 months ago
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Leila Wilson

Leila Wilson Pro

Occasional painter, ex-videomaker, real life street stock driver @Evergreen Speedway! Oldschool Irwindale racer? Modern Evergreen Speedway racer? Send me photos of your car and I'll do my best to reproduce it!

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