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Preview of Explore Minnesota #32 Chevy Silverado by Paul S Junior
Preview of Explore Minnesota #32 Chevy Silverado by Paul S Junior
Preview of Explore Minnesota #32 Chevy Silverado by Paul S Junior
Preview of Explore Minnesota #32 Chevy Silverado by Paul S Junior

Explore Minnesota #32 Chevy Silverado

#32 NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado by Paul S JuniorPaul S Junior Pro

About this Custom Number paint

This paint was made for personal use but it has gained some interest from others that wanted to run it for them selves. This paint features some subtle nods towards Minnesota, The number 32 comes from Minnesota being the 32nd state to join the union on May 11th 1858, the tree on the sides of the car is Minnesota's state tree the Norway or Red Pine, most of the sate parks are also ghosted onto the side of the paint, and "Star of the North comes from a French phrase "L’etoile du Nord" it was adopted as the state motto in 1861 by Henry H. Sibley Minnesota's First Congressional representative to be used on the original state seal. If you would like a version of the paint with a specific number and name plate with your name and state flag on it feel free to join my Discord created specifically for that purpose and to see my other paints that either aren't uploaded yet or I don't plan on uploading the way they are. Discord Link:
Posted 10 months ago
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