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Preview of #95 Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior
Preview of #95 Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior
Preview of #95 Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior

#95 Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado.

#95 NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado by Paul S JuniorPaul S Junior Pro

About this Custom Number paint

This paint is made for Tik-toker Elitemilgamer1 to spread awareness for his sons medical condition called Battens disease. You can donate to help with his sons medical bills by going to The Number 95 was chosen because Battens was discovered in 1995. Batten disease is a fatal disease of the nervous system that typically begins in childhood. Onset of symptoms is usually between 5 and 10 years of age. Often, it is autosomal recessive. It is the common name for a group of disorders called the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses.
Posted 8 months ago
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