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Preview of Sim-Stamped Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior
Preview of Sim-Stamped Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior
Preview of Sim-Stamped Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado. by Paul S Junior

Sim-Stamped Battens Disease Family Association (BDFA) Chevrolet Silverado.

NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado by Paul S JuniorPaul S Junior Pro

About this paint

This paint is made for Tik-toker Elitemilgamer1 to spread awareness for his sons medical condition called Battens disease. You can donate to help with his sons medical bills by going to Batten disease is a fatal disease of the nervous system that typically begins in childhood. Onset of symptoms is usually between 5 and 10 years of age. Often, it is autosomal recessive. It is the common name for a group of disorders called the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses.
Posted 8 months ago
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