Trading Paints adds custom car liveries to iRacing. Design your own cars or race with pre-made paint schemes shared from the community of painters.
Note: Racing with Custom Number paints requires Trading Paints Pro.
Normally, the iRacing sim stamps its own car number on the car. We call those cars Sim-Stamped Number paints.
With Custom Number paints (like this one), the car number is incorporated into the design of the car itself and can’t be changed. So, if you race this paint, each time you race the Global Mazda MX-5 Cup, your car will appear with a on it.
First, like all paints, you’ll need the Trading Paints Downloader installed and running on your computer.
✓ Trading Paints Downloader is detected and running on your computer.
Trading Paints Downloader is not running on your computer.
By default, iRacing does not show Custom Number paints. Enable them in your iRacing graphics options by checking the “Hide car numbers” box and restarting the iRacing sim.
If someone (or you) does not have Custom Number paints enabled when you’re racing a Custom Number paint, your traditional Sim-Stamped Number paint from Trading Paints will appear, if you have one assigned (check on My Paints); if you do not have a Sim-Stamped Number paint assigned, your default iRacing paint booth car will appear without a paint.
Custom Number paints will appear under the Custom Number tab in your My Paints section.
Your paint has been posted to the Showroom.
Global Mazda MX-5 Cup by Scott Lear
If this post violates the Trading Paints Community Guidelines or Terms, please explain in detail.
If you are reporting this submission because it contains your work that has been used without permission, please include a link or source to the original work.
Send Scott Lear a request to race Personal Space Rick and Morty as your {PRO CLARIFY STAMPED} for the Global Mazda MX-5 Cup?
Scott Lear will be notified and can either approve or deny your request. If approved, you’ll have the option to race the paint.
Your request to race Personal Space Rick and Morty has been sent. You will be notified if Scott Lear allows you to race the paint.
Assign Personal Space Rick and Morty by Scott Lear as your Custom Number paint for the Global Mazda MX-5 Cup?
No. 2 Driver for Gabir Motors! Penny Arcade Racing League, / 2023 UPDATE: I'm revising spec maps to meet the new blue values for clearcoat, if you run one of my paints and it's gross after the update, let me know.
There are two types of iRacing paints: standard Sim-Stamped Number paints and Custom Number paints. With Trading Paints Pro, you can race Custom Number paints and unlock full customization of your car-number style.