The custom car painting platform for iRacing.

Trading Paints adds custom car liveries to iRacing. Design your own cars or race with pre-made paint schemes shared from the community of painters.

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Preview of Rowdy NOS Toyota Camry by Tanner Tallarico
Preview of Rowdy NOS Toyota Camry by Tanner Tallarico
Preview of Rowdy NOS Toyota Camry by Tanner Tallarico
Preview of Rowdy NOS Toyota Camry by Tanner Tallarico
2nd most popular March 25, 2017

Rowdy NOS Toyota Camry

[Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry - 2015 by Tanner TallaricoTanner Tallarico Pro

About this paint

ITS HERE! A lot of people have been asking about it. ENJOY!!!

Posted 86 months ago
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Tanner Tallarico

Tanner Tallarico Pro

I design custom paint schemes for use on iRacing. If you have a vision, I can make it reality. I have done work for eNASCAR Coca-Cola iRacing Series drivers, NASCAR K&N, ARCA, and short track drivers. Always looking to help the every day iracer. I am accepting work, feel free to message me via Trading Paints or Facebook for more information.

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